Sign the petition to ask Gov. Polis to close Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge to the Public

We, the undersigned citizens, request that Governor Jared Polis close the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) immediately to protect Public Health.  The Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment (CDPHE) reported a soil sample with Plutonium five times the Rocky Flats Legacy Management Agreement’s Radionuclide Soil Action Level (RSAL) on August 20, 2019.  

That soil sample measured Plutonium at 264 pCi/g, which is 13,500 times background radiation.  The sample was taken from the Jefferson Parkway Right of Way which is located beyond the Refuge along Indiana Street.  Given that the final report on the rest of the 250 soil samples from this study will not be available until the end of the year, the Refuge should be closed as soon as possible to protect Public Health.

The Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant was a nuclear weapons production facility that made Plutonium “pits” from 1952 to 1989.  Rocky Flats suffered numerous accidents as well as major fires in 1957 and 1969 that contaminated the property outside the plant site.  In 1992, Rockwell the contractor who operated the plant, pled guilty to Environmental Crimes and paid a $18,500,000 fine.  

The Plutonium that was recently found in a soil sample, traveled beyond the boundaries of the former Rocky Flats Plant site and beyond the Wildlife Refuge to where it was found.  There may be many more Plutonium hot spots on the Wildlife Refuge property closer to the former Rocky Flats Plant site. 

While $7,000,000,000 was spent to clean up the Rocky Flats Plant site from 1996 to 2006, no remediation was ever performed on the Refuge property.  The Department of Energy (DOE) admits that 2,600 pounds of weapons-grade Plutonium from Rocky Flats remains unaccounted for.   

Independent testing of the Refuge property has not been performed in more than 13 years.  Significant natural events, including wind, flooding, and burrowing animals have occurred on the property since testing was last completed. 

Good governance relies on the Precautionary Principal, to err on the side of caution when so many people’s lives could be impacted.  Despite objections from activists, scientists, and former plant workers, the Refuge was opened to the public in September 2018.  Currently there are hikers, horse riders, and mountain bikers using the Wildlife Refuge without any signage about possible risks they are taking.  

The residents of the nearby Candelas development have their own entrance gate in the Wildlife Refuge.  This sends a message to the public that the Refuge is completely safe when the recent soil samples provide evidence that it is not safe.  Out of caution for the nearby residents of Arvada, Broomfield, Wheat Ridge, Superior, Boulder, Erie, and northwest Denver, we request that you immediately close the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge and complete further testing of air, water, and soil.  Until this research is completed, the Refuge should be closed to all visitors to protect Public Health. 

Click link to sign:

(not sure if you’ve already signed? Try it because won’t let you sign twice.)

JPPHA puts the project "on hold."

Randy Stafford's response to presentations at the Broomfield June 18th Study Session

June 25, 2019

Broomfield City Council

City and County of Broomfield

One DesCombes Drive

Broomfield, CO 80020

Mr. Mayor and Members of the Council:

Thank you for arranging the “Discussion Regarding Rocky Flats in Regards to the

Jefferson Parkway” at your June 18th study session (whose video is at I

certainly appreciated you creating the opportunity for citizen groups to present

their views on this very important issue. I am writing now to respond to statements

made, positions revealed, and events that transpired in that discussion.

Let me begin with the observation that neither Ms. Opila nor Dr. Urbina addressed

the most important point of all: the alarming recent disease incidence in new

neighborhoods across Indiana Street from Rocky Flats. In Five Parks, the death of

Brian McNeely, and the sickness of Nathan Panzer, from the extremely rare heart

cancer cardiac angiosarcoma (plus other cancers and neurological diseases reported

by Elaine McNeely at 59:10 of

In Whisper Creek, the death of two men under age 40 from stomach cancer, and the

sickness of another man with appendix and bladder cancer, reported to Tiffany

Hanson in April. The compilation by young breast cancer victim Brittany Kelley,

who attended the study session, of now 17 young women from the area afflicted

with breast cancer at a young age. The testimony by Leslie Moritz at Council’s April

23rd meeting on her Pomona High School classmates, three of them, who developed

cancer before their five-year reunion. Perhaps CDPHE doesn’t address this point

because it is unaware. It has never conducted a health monitoring program on the

population near Rocky Flats, as urged by Drs. Carl Johnson and Richard Clapp.

Ms. Opila stated at 2:48:52 in the study session video that the estimated lifetime

cancer risk for a person living on Refuge land, if that were to be allowed, would be

30.001% - one excess cancer in ten thousand people more than the risk for any

Coloradoan. But the disease incidence in Five Parks alone demonstrates the

inaccuracy of that estimate. The population in Five Parks is only 1,662 people (per

Parks/Population), yet it had two cases of an extremely rare heart cancer. In

responding to the 19 questions Council Member Castriotta sent CDPHE, Ms. Opila

glibly dismissed this fact with the statement (at 3:22:25 in the video) that “a number

of your concerns were with cancer clusters ... our cancer studies have shown that

there was not an increased cancer risk.”


CDPHE’s cancer studies are sufficiently flawed as to be meaningless (more on that in

Attachment E pp.8-10 of the Jefferson Parkway Advisory Committee’s Final Report,

linked from In asserting that “the

remaining contamination poses a low risk to human health,” as Ms. Opila did at

2:48:00 and 2:53:15 in the video, CDPHE relies on two would-be substantiations.

One is its seriously flawed cancer studies. The other is the 50 pCi/g CERLCA soil

action level reverse-engineered from the Congressionally-capped budget for the

Rocky Flats cleanup project, as documented by Dr. LeRoy Moore in his recent book

Plutonium and People Don’t Mix

( Neither argument is based

on accurate measurement and root cause analysis of disease incidence in the

population downwind of Rocky Flats. In short, the available information - including

three other eminently credible epidemiological studies - does not support CDPHE’s

contention that the remaining contamination poses a low risk to human health.

Another interesting observation was the inconsistency between Ms. Opila’s and Dr.

Urbina’s statements on the question of whether a single alpha radiation particle can

cause cancer. Dr. Urbina flatly stated at 3:12:38 in the video “so, the one particle

causing cancer is just simply not true,” referencing one study by a longtime DOE

contractor. But at 3:28:00, in response to Council Member Shelton’s statement that

“there have been people that have said that just one particle can be ingested, and it

can radiate emissions forever, and almost guarantee some kind of cancer,” Ms. Opila

stated “we are not disputing that.” She further states at 4:56:05, in response to a

statement from Council Member Groom, “it [one particle] could create cancer.” One

would think that Ms. Opila and Dr. Urbina would have made consistent statements

on that question, given their associations with CDPHE (Dr. Urbina was CDPHE

Executive Director until resigning amidst controversy in 2013). Meanwhile, in an

independent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of

Sciences of the United States of America, Dr. Tom Hei of Columbia University and

colleagues concluded “[t]hese data provide direct evidence that a single alpha

particle traversing a nucleus will have a high probability of resulting in a mutation

and highlight the need for radiation protection at low doses”


Dr. Urbina opened his presentation by saying “what I’d like to do is put this [health

risks at Rocky Flats] in perspective”, and describing himself as a longtime public

health advocate (2:54:56 in the video). He then listed examples of other risks: air

pollution, tainted food, lightning, motor vehicle deaths, suicide, and summarized “So

I just wanted to put this in perspective to know that there are risks associated

outside of this environment [Rocky Flats]” (2:56:53 in the video). This minimization

of Rocky Flats risk is typical of CDPHE orthodoxy, and raises a very important moral

question: does the existence of other risks absolve government of protecting

citizens from Rocky Flats risks? You might die in a car accident anyway, so what’s a

little plutonium? That reasoning is irresponsible, especially from a county medical

officer who describes himself as a longtime public health advocate.


Also typical of CDPHE orthodoxy is equating different types of radiation and doses

received from them. Dr. Urbina stated (at 3:04:00) that a chest x-ray exposes a

person to 10 millirems, and a body CT scan exposes a person to 1,000 millirems.

But a chest x-ray is qualitatively different than an inhaled plutonium particle. The

latter intensely irradiates immediately surrounding cells wherever in the body it

settles. Whereas an x-ray is a different type of radiation absorbed by the entire

body or portion thereof. These different types of radiation are not directly

comparable on the localization or quantity of dose they entail, though Dr. Urbina

makes such a comparison at 3:07:38, in the vein of minimizing estimated dose

received from exposure at Rocky Flats to Refuge workers and visitors.

It’s appalling that CDPHE, whose stated mission is “to protect the health of

Colorado’s people,” continues such a denialist position on the public health risk of

remaining Rocky Flats contamination, when the available evidence – the sick and

deceased residents in new neighborhoods downwind, and three credible

independent epidemiological studies covering 23 years of cancer registry data – all

strongly suggest such a risk exists. And it’s particularly galling that Dr. Urbina at

3:14:47 patronizingly thanked Dr. Carl Johnson – a TRUE longtime public health

advocate, who was ousted from office by business interests around Rocky Flats – for

“calling the question” of public health risk nearby. The question is obviously still

highly relevant, and in need of truly responsible government agencies and

leadership (like Dr. Carl Johnson) to investigate it ethically and thoroughly.

Toward the end of the study session, I was quite surprised that Mayor Ahrens

allowed David Wood to interject himself into the discussion from his seat in the

audience. I’ve seen Mayor Ahrens forcefully shut down such violations of protocol

at other Council meetings. Why should David Wood be exempt? David Wood’s

academic specialization was in semiconductors

( – not in radiochemistry like Dr.

Edward Martell’s, not in medicine or public health like Dr. Carl Johnson’s, not in

epidemiology like Dr. Richard Clapp’s, not in health physics like Dr. Karl Morgan’s,

not in molecular biology like Dr. John Gofman’s, not in radionuclide chemistry like

Dr. Michael Ketterer’s. In other words David Wood is not a subject matter expert on

these Rocky Flats –related topics, like those other scientists I cite are.

David Wood has a vested interest in attempting to “prove” that the site is “safe,”

because he lives in Candelas. He admits in his own works that his Geiger counter is

unable to detect alpha radiation from plutonium at the site. He has no alternative

explanation or refutation of all the studies I reviewed finding hundreds of times

plutonium background radiation at the site, and elevated cancer incidence in nearby

areas. The information he presents confounds the issue and is irrelevant to the

question. The well-established facts are that: 1) the unremediated east side of the

Refuge, including the Parkway right-of-way, is contaminated with Rocky Flats –

specific plutonium to levels representing hundreds of times man-made background

plutonium concentration from fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons


detonations; and 2) plutonium is one of the most carcinogenic substances known to

man. Someday soon, when primary tumor tissue excised from Rocky Flats

downwinders is shown to contain Rocky Flats –specific plutonium by isotope ratio,

all those other confounding arguments will be exposed as the distractions they are,

in the face of smoking-gun evidence of causality.

I will close by responding to some of Mayor Ahrens’ comments made at the

conclusion of the meeting. I agree with Ms. Opila that we can’t change history.

However government has a responsibility to not exacerbate the problem that

already exists – to not raise radioactive dust into the wind.

Mayor Ahrens referred to Broomfield as “the last hurdle” in the Jefferson Parkway

project (at 5:21:48 in the video). I would rather refer to the Broomfield City Council

as the last line of defense, for citizens in the Broomfield neighborhood of Skyestone

and in other neighborhoods, from getting resuspended plutonium oxide dust from

Parkway construction settling on their properties and posing a cancer risk to them.

Mayor Ahrens stated at 5:21:27 “I sit on the Parkway board, and if we thought that

people could get seriously sick because of not mediating, and taking care and

building that road properly, I don't think anybody on our board would do it.” But

the way I personally became involved in this whole issue was by attending a JPPHA

Public Forum on September 27, 2017 and asking Bill Ray, Don Rosier, Marc

Williams, and Greg Stokes whether they were even aware of the studies showing

plutonium concentration in the Indiana Street corridor at hundreds of times

background. They weren’t (see the last question, on p.12, under heading “Questions

about Rocky Flats” in “Public Open House Q&A: September 27, 2017” linked from Fast-forward almost two years, and

I’ve raised awareness through serving on the Jefferson Parkway Advisory

Committee, culminating in this letter, really.

Finally Mayor Ahrens warns at 5:22:40 that “it's kind of a difficult situation that

we're putting our citizens in and Broomfield if we decide not to move forward.” But

you would be putting your citizens and Broomfield in a more difficult situation if

you do move forward with the current Parkway plans – a situation of being exposed

to airborne plutonium oxide dust.

Thank you again for opportunity to present. I do hope that the Broomfield City

Council will take these grave matters most seriously, as public health is hanging in

the balance.


Randy Stafford

Member, Jefferson Parkway Advisory Committee

Scientists granted soil samples near Rocky Flats after persistent efforts

By JENNIFER RIOS | | Broomfield Enterprise

PUBLISHED: June 28, 2019 at 3:35 pm | UPDATED: July 1, 2019 at 10:03 am

Dr. Michael Ketterer, who was denied soil samples for scientific testing by the Jefferson Parkway Public Highway Authority now will get his soil – just from a different entity.

On June 24, it was learned that Jefferson County agreed to provide soil from an area adjacent to the Jefferson Parkway right-of-way. The move came prior to a June 25 Broomfield City Council meeting where Ward 2 Councilman Mike Shelton had requested council discuss interceding on Ketterer’s behalf after the Jefferson Parkway Public Highway Authority declined his request for soil since Broomfield is a member of the authority. Mayor Randy Ahrens and Ward 5 Councilman David Beacom are the appointed representatives to the Jefferson Parkway Public Highway Authority.

Ketterer, of Longmont, made the request on behalf of a study conducted by the Rocky Flats Downwinders, a community organization founded in 2015 that advocates on behalf of people impacted by living downwind from the former Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant.


In his request, Ketterer explained he has been working with Tiffany Hansen, director of Rocky Flats Downwinders, a group that in 2018 received a grant from the Roddenberry Foundation to study potential uptake of plutonium into hemp plants.  Hansen, he said, has partnered with Colorado-based commercial hemp-growing company RuBi Hemp Solutions and will use the company’s facilities to grow the plants.

Dr. Elizabeth Pilon-Smits, biologist and Colorado State University professor, also advised the group on this project.

The Roddenberry Foundation’s Catalyst Fund awards small grants for early-stage, innovative, and unconventional ideas that address serious global challenges, according to its website.

Rocky Flats Downwinders plan to use the grant to imitate a pilot hemp phytoremediation project that will use contaminated soil from near Rocky Flats to study the use of help to clean radionuclides from soil. The group also wants to produce a community resource guide that will educate communities about hemp farming and phytoremediation, which is essentially a method to clean up soil.

Hemp’s ability to clean soil by absorbing pollutants through the root system was recognized after the passing of House Bill 12-1099, which established a pilot program to study phytoremediation.

Rocly Flats Downwinders will partner with RuBi Hemp Solutions on the project; Ketterer will act as a paid consultant. He will test soil and plant matter before, during and after the hemp harvest.

Ketterer, a professor emeritus of chemistry and biochemistry at Northern Arizona University, is an independent researcher. He also currently works part-time as faculty and special community member at the University of Denver.

For the study, he requested four 5-gallon buckets of surface soil.

“The soil is not in our hands yet,” Hansen said. “It’s been approved in theory, and we’ve been given a (Jefferson County) contact person, but no date and time set to collect.”

Hansen said she is not aware of other studies that show plutonium being absorbed by a hemp plant. In this study, Ketterer will burn the entire product and then the ash will be analyzed in a lab.

On June 6, Ketterer asked Bill Ray, executive director of the Jefferson Parkway Public Highway Authority,  if he could collect soil from them authority’s right-of-way along Indiana Street. Ketterer had presented his the plan to Broomfield City Council June 18.

Ray later denied the reques, citing research related to hemp cultivation falls outside the public purpose and mission of the highway authority and would be the “basis for confusion by the public as to the purpose and direction of the JPPHA with regard to the project,” according to an email to Ketterer.

He also said Ketterer had not made it clear why only soil from the parkway right-of-way is suitable for his research purposes.

Ketterer told the authority he also was interested in characterizing “hot particles” that may be present in the soils surrounding Rocky Flats. A “hot particle” is a small, micron-size or smaller particle of pure plutonium dioxide derived from fires that occurred during the plant’s operation, he said, and studying them would help in understanding whether there is an unrecognized risk to human health.

“Using soils containing ‘hot particles’ of Rocky Flats origin, I will conduct some preliminary experiments at Northern Arizona University and/or University of Denver, aimed at the detection and characterization of these ‘hot particles,'” he said in his letter. “Both of these university research facilities have state-administered licenses for use and possession of the requisite Pu-242 tracer. I have suitable experience in studies of environmental plutonium.”

Plutonium-242 is one of the isotopes of plutonium, the second longest-lived, with a half-life of 376,000 years.

“I’m trying to increase the knowledge about whether we can try to do something with the problems with these contaminated areas,” Hansen said.

When people talk about a “background level” of plutonium, she said, they are not speaking of radon or something naturally occurring. It exists because of nuclear testing in the 1950s that was dispersed. To her understanding, scientists are able to characterize the source of plutonium, which could tie it back to Rocky Flats.

Had Jefferson County not offered the soil for testing, Broomfield council’s Shelton wanted council to discuss whether or not it should give direction to Ahrens and Beacom to request a reversal of Ray’s decision. He said he is pleased Jefferson County stepped forward to accommodate the request for soil, but remains concerned with the way the public highway authority handled the situation.

“Dr. Ketterer explained the study very well but Director Ray’s response showed a lack of understanding or a desire to avoid additional scrutiny of the highly-contaminated Windblown Area,” Shelton said Friday. “I am perplexed by their unwillingness to accommodate the scientific community and this makes me even more skeptical of the highway’s proposed path along Indiana Street.”

Soil Testing for Radioactive Contamination Begins at Rocky Flats


JEFFERSON COUNTY — Steve Keller digs some dirt out of the ground with a spade, pulls loose the rocks and roots in his gloved hands and places the soil in a shiny silver bowl. It is then packed into a lidded jar and carefully labeled.

Pretty mundane work except when you consider where it’s being done: Rocky Flats, a 6,200-acre national wildlife refuge northwest of Denver that was home to four decades of toxic nuclear weapons manufacturing workand still contains a 1,300-acre no-go zone right in the middle.

It’s the first time in 13 years that soil samples have been taken in and around Rocky Flats, a Cold War relic that has for years attracted vociferous criticism and lawsuits from those concerned that hikers and bikers could be exposed to plutonium and other industrial contaminants deposited by years of weapons production. Several metro area school groups have barred students from going to Rocky Flats on field trips.

The sampling is not limited to the two sites on the edge of the refuge where Keller, a technician with Fort Collins-based Engineering Analytics Inc., was digging Monday. Samples have also been collected inside the refuge where trails are planned and along its eastern edge, where transportation officials are hoping to build the controversial Jefferson Parkway.

In all, approximately 250 surface or subsurface samples have been gathered over the last two weeks and sent to the lab for analysis.

“It is local governments and U.S. Fish and Wildlife that are saying this kind of information is important, it’s valuable, and it speaks to community concerns,” said Dave Abelson, head of the Rocky Flats Stewardship Council. “There’s been a thorough sampling in the past and further sampling is of value.”

The last time soil sampling was done at Rocky Flats was 2006, just a year after a $7 billion cleanup of the highly polluted site was completed. Results from the current sampling efforts likely won’t be analyzed and released for several weeks.

“It’s great to have another dataset and see if there is any variability,” said Roy Laws, an environmental engineer with Jefferson County Public Health who was in the field with the two-person crew on Monday.

Engineering Analytics will specifically be measuring for plutonium, americium and uranium and seeing whether levels of the radionuclides are a hazard to human health. On Monday, it sampled at two future trailheads — one on Indiana Street and the other on State Highway 128 — where refuge officials hope to build a bridge and tunnel, respectively, to provide safe access points for cyclists and pedestrians entering or passing through the refuge.

Local communities, like Boulder, Broomfield, Arvada and Westminster, agreed to provide matching funds for a $2.9 million federal grant to build the bridge and underpass, but only if additional soil samples were taken.

Doubters of the safety of Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge, which opened to the public in September, wanted more assurance that the soil samples will be properly analyzed. The Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center, which has sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over the refuge’s opening, hired retired Northern Arizona University chemistry professor Michael Ketterer to help process the samples being collected this week.

Ketterer watched the sample collections Monday and said Engineering Analytics’ efforts were “reasonable to get a rough idea” of what is on the edge of the refuge. The firm is taking 25 samples across both sites, anywhere from 2 inches to 12 inches underground, including a pair of 20-foot-deep samples where the pedestrian bridge is planned over Indiana Street.

Daniel Brenner, Special to the Denver Post

Engineering Analytics environmental engineer Megan Carroll, left, records data while engineer technician Steve Keller collects environmental soil samples Monday, July 1, 2019 at Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge.


Ketterer said he will use mass spectrometry to determine the “fingerprint,” or source, of plutonium in the soil taken at both sites.

Dave Lucas, U.S. Fish and Wildlife manager of the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge, said he doesn’t anticipate any of the new readings to show anything different than what was found in years before — that is, levels of contaminants that have fallen well within the parameters that health officials consider safe.

“One would assume these will be consistent to the thousands of soil samples already taken,” he said.

Watch the video of the Broomfield City Council Study Session about the Jefferson Parkway

On June 18th, Broomfield City Council heard from experts about the contamination caused by the operations and accidents at the former Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant. The contamination would severely impact human health if the Jefferson Parkway is constructed. CDPHE also attended, but could not answer tough questions.

Excellent article


Emily Graham: Rocky Flats is likely leaking alpha radiation

By Emily Graham

POSTED:   02/26/2019 07:12:12 PM MST

UPDATED:   02/26/2019 07:13:31 PM MST

When I was getting my undergraduate degree at University of Colorado in 2012, I took a general chemistry course. Much to the chagrin of my professor, I'm sure, I remember very little of the class except for the last segment on nuclear chemistry. I was so fascinated by the exciting way it was presented, including a story about KGB spy Aleksandr Litvinenko, who defected and joined MI6. He was killed, likely by a Russian spy, through alpha radiation poisoning.

I remember this so well, because the thought of unknowingly ingesting particles of alpha radiation in your tea was so terrifying and such a stealthy way of killing someone (definitely worthy of a James Bond movie). To demonstrate just how stealthy alpha radiation is, the professor placed an object on her desk and asked the class to imagine that it is emitting alpha radiation. She then placed a single sheet of paper over it. She said, "Now there is virtually no way to detect this radiation with a Geiger counter when it is covered even by a single sheet of paper, but if you inhale it or ingest it in any way, you will die a slow and painful death." The class was riveted.

Imagine my horror, then, when I learned that the type of radiation at Rocky Flats, a nuclear Superfund Site, is alpha radiation, emitted mainly by plutonium-239. I attended a Rocky Flats Stewardship Council meeting in early 2018 during which the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment insisted that Rocky Flats is safe, but their evidence clearly did not account for the specific type of radiation at Rocky Flats. Even in my general chemistry class I learned that you cannot detect it with a Geiger counter; it must be specially tested for in the air and soil. During this meeting I also learned that the Department of Energy's report did show elevated levels of plutonium and trichloroethylene. When they do find elevated levels, they shorten the amount of time between tests, then do a 12-month rolling average and no actual intervention to clean or block off the site. Both the CDPHE and the DOE insisted that the levels were safe, and that Rocky Flats poses no risk to the public. I didn't buy it. I don't want to go the same way the spy did. I had to find out more.

I heard of a local group called Rocky Flats Right to Know and attended a meeting. I heard stories from women who had lost babies due to rare radiation-induced birth defects. I heard the story of a mother whose son has a rare form of heart cancer; only nine cases have been documented in the United States, two of which are in a neighborhood bordering Rocky Flats. How could this all be a coincidence?

I dove deeper. There are two lawsuits against U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which oversees a national wildlife refuge at Rocky Flats — one filed by the town of Superior and one filed by environmental groups with the goal of holding government agencies accountable for accurate testing and cleanup of the site. The "buffer zone" (peripheral operating unit) around the main plant (central operating unit) is now open to the public, which violates environmental law (theNational Environmental Policy Act), especially given the lack of comprehensive and accurate testing done. According to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,100 years. Undoubtedly there is plutonium on the site that is still essentially leaking alpha radiation into the air and undoubtedly after the several fires and spills on the site, there is radiation in the buffer zone. But don't worry, in about 250,000 years, Rocky Flats should finally be safe.

The people are waking up. We won't allow this to continue.

Emily Graham is a graduate student at the University of Denver.

Science Fair with Ignorant Judges and Misled Newspaper Writer

The problem is that Plutonium emits alpha radiation, not gamma. A Geiger counter detects gamma radiation, not alpha. This young woman need to go back to the drawing board and test the soil properly.

There is Plutonium in the soil at Rocky Flats, both at the former plant site, which remains a Superfund site, and on the Refuge. No one denies this.

Speak or write to elected officials about the private tollway through contaminated land

Contact Your Council Member: Deny New $7.5M Request for Jefferson Parkway

Did you know that the Jefferson Parkway Public Highway Authority has asked Arvada, Broomfield, and Jefferson County for $7,500,000 MORE MONEY for 2019?

Did you know that the JPPHA has ALREADY spent $10,500,000 in taxpayer dollars from those municipalities since 2008, and now wants that much MORE?

Is that how you want your local taxes spent, on this reckless project?  Don’t you think there are better things that could be done with $18,000,000 from the Arvada, Broomfield, and Jefferson County budgets?

If you are surprised and angered by this information, then ACT!  Contact your city council member immediately.  Tell them you oppose this waste, and tell them to be responsible to the citizens.  Contact information and a sample email are given below.

In 1989 voters defeated the first attempt at this roadway, then called W-470, by a four-to-one margin.  In 2000 the Northwest Quadrant Feasibility Study concluded such a roadway wouldn’t relieve congestion, so arterial streets were improved instead.  Usage of the Northwest Parkway fell so short of projections that its bonds were rated junk, it was leased to a Portuguese company for a century, and its tolls were repeatedly increased.  And concern over plutonium re-suspension from disturbing Rocky Flats soil has been raised for 32 years by downwind HOAs and concerned citizens.

But the beltway backers just won’t quit.  They ignore the will of the citizens, the findings of the studies, the results from other regional tollways, and the public health risks.  All for what?  To please development interests?  To feed their egos?  To avoid admitting failure?

It’s time to tell them enough is enough.  Stop pretending.  Quit throwing good money after bad.  Be responsible public servants, and show some integrity.

Resolutions to approve JPPHA’s additional 2019 funding request will come before the Arvada and Broomfield City Councils in January or February.  Please contact your council member immediately, tell them you are opposed, and demand they deny the request.  Contact information follows, as does a sample email message.

Please share this post on social media, in your Nextdoor neighborhoods, and on email lists scoped to Arvada and Broomfield.

Arvada: (
Mayor Marc Williams:, 303-424-4486 
District 1 Councilmember Nancy Ford:
District 2 Councilmember Mark McGoff:, 303-423-5258
District 3 Councilmember and Mayor Pro-Tem John Marriott:, 720-273-3912
District 4 Councilmember David Jones:
At-Large Councilmember Dot Miller:
At-Large Councilmember Bob Fifer:, 303-929-4278

Broomfield: (
Mayor Randy Ahrens:, 303.469.1498
Ward 1 Council Member Elizabeth Law-Evans:, 303.460.1295
Ward 1 Council Member Stan Jezierski:, 720.272.2158
Ward 2 Council Member Mike Shelton:, 303.269.1946
Ward 2 Council Member Sharon Tessier:, 303-641-5433
Ward 3 Council Member and Mayor Pro-Tem Bette Erickson:, 303.466.3255
Ward 3 Council Member Deven Shaff:, 970.344.8032
Ward 4 Council Member Kevin Kreeger:, 720.982.3751
Ward 4 Council Member Kimberly Groom:, 303.374.4074
Ward 5 Council Member David Beacom:, 303.453.9420
Ward 5 Council Member Guyleen Castriotta:, 720.607.1527

Sample email:  (send to

Honorable Council Member,

I am opposed to the allocation of another $2,500,000 from the City’s budget to fund the Jefferson Parkway Public Highway Authority in 2019.

I urge you to vote against this allocation when it comes before Council in a resolution very soon this year.

The Jefferson Parkway project makes no sense.  Voters disapproved its predecessor W-470 by a four-to-one margin in 1989.  The Northwest Quadrant Feasibility Study found in 2000 that such a roadway won’t relieve congestion in our city.  The Northwest Parkway has been a financial disaster for Broomfield.  And the public health risk of disturbing plutonium-contaminated soil east of Rocky Flats is paramount.  There is no defensible reason to build this parkway and waste taxpayer money doing so.

Please spend our tax dollars more wisely, and please be responsive to the will of the citizens.

An Engaged Constituent

Is Plutonium Dangerous?

Read this - by a true expert - to understand why plutonium is dangerous

From the Daily Camera

Niels Schonbeck: Plutonium continually radiates inside body

Posted:   08/17/2018 08:54:02 AM MDT

Updated:   08/17/2018 08:55:44 AM MDT


Bill Schwarz's letter, published on Aug. 9, calls LeRoy Moore's letter of Aug. 5 "confused." But he seems ignorant of the properties of plutonium-239, the principal form of plutonium at Rocky Flats. Moore's article mentions Robert Del Tredici's photo of a single speck of plutonium in the lung tissue of an ape. Any creature in the presence of airborne plutonium can inhale a particle, perhaps several.

Plutonium proves harmful only if taken into the body. Inhalation is the most likely way to be exposed. Once inside the body, the plutonium lodges somewhere — lung, liver, bone, brain, gonads — and continually irradiates surrounding cells for the rest of one's life. The speck or particle of plutonium in the body constantly emits bursts of radiation — not one, but many.

For example, a billionth of a gram of plutonium-239 — which contains about 2 trillion atoms — releases two alpha particles every second, causing 2 million chemical bonds to break every second. It is bond breakage that leads to mutations in the genome and ultimately cancer. Because plutonium is not spread out evenly in the environment, what remains uncertain is how many plutonium atoms are attached to your particular inhaled dust particle at Rocky Flats.

In his letter, Moore referred to physicist Fritjof Capra, a leading specialist, and very knowledgeable about plutonium. And he mentioned Del Tredici, because his photo taken at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley is a rare picture of the bursts of radiation actually happening inside a lung over a period of 48 hours.

Moore's letter carefully documented what he said.

Niels Schonbeck
